Anna Koshmal
Anna Koshmal was conceived in Kyiv (Ukraine) on October 22nd, 1994. Anna Koshmal is 27 years old. age. Internet has no information regarding her siblings or parents. Anna has also been of Ukrainian heritage. Anna is Christian. Anna Koshmal has a net worth of $2.5 million. She gets her income from various television and film projects. Anna also mentioned that modeling for magazines can be a way to earn extra money. Anna Koshmal dreamed of becoming an artist since she was just six years old. But, she wasn't sure of what to do. In her early years, Anna took many classes in art. Anna had vocal lessons and contemporary dance classes. She is also a skilled painter. Komal talked about her ability to paint in several interviews. In two months' time she was asked to attend a drama class in Republic Kids by her parents. Theater drama was a subject that allowed her to gain more knowledge about the theatre, and the way it operates. She continued to take pop vocal classes in the Faculty of Music and Management under L. I. Utyosov. The result was that she was spotted in a film's casting team when she graduated at the Faculty of Music. Here's how it went! Kvartal 95 Studio approached Anna Koshmal at the age of seventeen years old. While she was a student at Republic Kids, she was approached. Her potential as an extraordinary actor was noticed by the studio's agent. Even though she was not aware of the character she was being auditioned, as casting agents came in, the actress had no idea. She did nothing but perform songs that she'd learned and did a bit of acting before the agents. Her agency approved her almost quickly. She made her acting debut in Match Makers, a TV comedy series.
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